Who says your memory gets worse when you get older? HAHA. I used to be frightened by memorization because I didn’t know how — and honestly I was bored. None of my teachers ever taught me HOW, and it was always a chore. They just said as-a-matter-of-factly memorize it, any idiot can do it! And I couldn’t.
A year ago I couldn’t even memorize the lyrics to a favorite song, let alone pages after pages of dialogue for a play. I backed out of a role for a play because I balked when I saw the two pages of monologue I had to do, in Japanese! But thanks to a very wise person who finally got through to me HOW to memorize lines and lyrics, I now can memorize pages of dialogue or a full page of monologue within a day or two. I was able to perform Soliloquy from Carousel which is 8 MINUTES long. It’s TBH very liberating and wonderful. I still can’t remember where I put my damn wallet last night, but at least I can do fucking Hamlet.